
When working on complex systems, such as OS kernels, your attention span and cognitive energy are too valuable to be wasted on inefficiencies pertaining to ancillary tasks. After experimenting with different environmental setups for kernel debugging, some of which were awkward and distracting from my main objectives, I have arrived to my current workflow, which is described here. This approach is mainly oriented towards security research and the study of kernel internals.

Before delving into the details, this is the general outline of my environment:

Preparing the host system

For starters, there are few things that must be configured on the host system.


Make sure your host system has a recent version of QEMU with support for the target architecture of your choice. The rest of this post will be dealing with x86-64 NetBSD guests. Also, make sure your system is configured for bridged-mode networking, it will make debugging and working with QEMU guests much more convenient.


You will need a version of GDB with support for NetBSD x86_64 ABI. Most likely you won’t find it in your platform’s package repository, so you’ll have to compile it yourself. For example:

$ wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/gdb-8.0.tar.xz
$ tar -xf gdb-8.0.tar.xz && cd gdb-8.0
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt && sudo chmod 755 /opt
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt --target=x86_64-netbsd
$ make -j4 && sudo make install

Assuming you had all the required dependencies for the build, you should now have a GDB version with NetBSD x86-64 ABI support at /opt/bin/x86_64-netbsd-gdb. You might want to add this to your $PATH or symlink it to something more memorable.

NFS exports

In order to avoid manually copying files around, it’s a good idea to set up a directory structure on the host system for the source tree, the toolchain and the build artifacts, and share it with the guest over NFS.

Here’s the directory structure that I use:

~/Code/netbsd-current			# The build root
~/Code/netbsd-current/destdir		# Userland binaries' location after compilation
~/Code/netbsd-current/objdir		# Build artifacts go here
~/Code/netbsd-current/releasedir	# Release files (created from `destdir`)
~/Code/netbsd-current/src		# Full source tree
~/Code/netbsd-current/tooldir		# Cross-compilation toolchain

Once the structure of the build root is created, export it, and restart your NFS server. In my case, I export ~/Code/netbsd-current. This approach will keep everything neat and separate, without polluting the entire source tree with object files.

Building NetBSD-current

A word of warning

Now is a great time to familiarize yourself with the build.sh tool and its options. Be especially carefull with the following options:

    -r          Remove contents of TOOLDIR and DESTDIR before building.
    -u          Set MKUPDATE=yes; do not run "make clean" first.
		Without this, everything is rebuilt, including the tools.

Chance are, you do not want to use these options once you’ve successfully built the cross-compilation toolchain and your entire userland, because building those takes time and there aren’t many good reasons to recompile them from scratch. Here’s what to expect:

Acquiring the sources

Install cvs if your haven’t done so already, configure CVS_RSH and CVSROOT, start the checkout process and grab a cup of coffee. At the moment of this writing, the entire source tree is around 2.6GB, so you’ll have to wait. I’m based in the Netherlands, so I use the closest CVS mirror, which is in France:

$ export CVSROOT="anoncvs@anoncvs.fr.NetBSD.org:/pub/NetBSD-CVS"; export CVS_RSH="ssh"
$ cd ~/Code/netbsd-current
$ cvs checkout -PA src

Compiling the sources

Once the checkout process is complete, you can start the lengthy process of building the toolchain and the system. I do not customize the kernel at this point, I build everything with the vanilla configuration and generate an ISO image from which I will provision my guest later on:

$ cd ~/Code/netbsd-current/src
$ # Take a nap, grab a coffee, go on a holiday. This is going to take some time.
$ ./build.sh -m amd64 -T ../tooldir -D ../destdir \
	     -R ../releasedir -O ../objdir \
             -U -j6 release iso-image

Once the build has completed successfully, this is what you get:

Depending on your system’s specs and whether you value disk space or computational time, you can also backup your tooldir somewhere outside the build root.

Preparing the guest system

Provisioning your guest

You can use the ISO image generated earlier to build your target system:

$ mkdir ~/vhd
$ qemu-img create ~/vhd/netbsd-current.img 10G
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=~/vhd/netbsd-current.img,format=raw \
                     -cdrom ~/Code/netbsd-current/releasedir/images/NetBSD-8.99.12-amd64.iso \
                     -device e1000,netdev=net0 -netdev bridge,id=net0,br=br0 -boot d \
                     -m 1024 -enable-kvm

I tend to install my guests roughly as follows:

Once the installation of the guest system is complete, all subsequent QEMU invocations should be in the following format:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=~/vhd/netbsd-current.img,format=raw \
                     -device e1000,netdev=net0 -netdev bridge,id=net0,br=br0 \
                     -m 1024 -enable-kvm -nographic -s

You might want an alias for that, or shell script wrapper.

Note: If you don’t see your guest’s console output in QEMU’s standard output, you’ll have to manually swtch the console device to com0 in your /boot.cfg by adding consdev com0; to your first boot entry. Refer to boot(8) for more details.

Pkgin and NFS shares

The base system is quite… basic, so eventually you’ll want some packages. There’s the archaic pkg_add, but all the mentally stable cool kids nowadays use pkgin.

$ su -
# export PKG_URL="http://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/amd64/8.0_current/All"
# pkg_add "$PKG_URL/pkgin-0.9.4nb6.tgz"
# echo $PKG_URL > /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
# pkgin update

You should also mount your host system’s NFS shares. First, ensure they are properly exported and visible from your guest:

$ showmount -e [HOST IP ADDRESS]

Next, add the appropriate exports to /etc/fstab with rw permissions, run mount -a, and now you should be able to see the source tree and the build artifacts under the designated mount point on your guest. I tend to mount the build root within my guests at the same path as it is on my host system: ~/Code/netbsd-current/.

Tailoring the kernel for debugging

On your host system, make a copy of the GENERIC configuration:

$ cd ~/Code/netbsd-current/src/sys/arch/amd64/conf

For source-level debugging and DTrace support you should at the very least have the following options enabled:

makeoptions     DEBUG="-g"      # compile full symbol table for CTF
options         KDTRACE_HOOKS   # kernel DTrace hooks

Neither the in-kernel debugger nor the in-kernel KGDB stub are of any use in this scenario, so make sure they’re disabled:

#options        DDB                     # in-kernel debugger
#options        DDB_COMMANDONENTER="bt" # execute command when ddb is entered
#options        DDB_ONPANIC=1           # see also sysctl(7): `ddb.onpanic'
#options        DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=512    # enable history editing in DDB
#options        KGDB                    # remote debugger
#options        KGDB_DEVNAME="\"com\"",KGDB_DEVADDR=0x3f8,KGDB_DEVRATE=9600

Once you’re happy with your kernel configuration, it needs to be built. I’m building everything on my host system, so naturally I’m using build.sh:

$ cd ~/Code/netbsd-current/src
$ ./build.sh -m amd64 -T ../tooldir -D ../destdir \
             -R ../releasedir -O ../objdir -U -u -j6 kernel=QEMU

Depending on your system’s specs and your kernel’s configuration, that shouldn’t take more than few minutes.

Installing the new kernel

Once the build is complete, you can find the new kernel under objdir/sys/arch/amd64/compile/QEMU/netbsd in the shared directory tree. Jump into your guest system, backup the old kernel and install the new one:

# cp /netbsd /netbsd.old
# cp objdir/sys/arch/amd64/compile/QEMU/netbsd /netbsd

Configuring DTrace

Add the following modules to /etc/modules.conf so you can use DTrace within your guest:


Finally, reboot your guest. Assuming you didn’t mess up the kernel configuration, your guest’s kernel should be ready for debugging.

Debugging the guest’s kernel

Now that the groundwork has been laid, you can simply load the kernel binary with the debugging symbols into your host’s gdb, and attach it to the live kernel on the QEMU instance:

$ cd ~/Code/netbsd-current/objdir/sys/arch/amd64/compile/QEMU
$ /opt/bin/x86_64-netbsd-gdb ./netbsd.gdb
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0xffffffff8021d16e in x86_stihlt ()
(gdb) continue

Here are few useful GDB tips, if you haven’t used it much before:

Describing GDB is beyond the scope of this article. Refer to the official GDB documentation to find out the many ways that GDB can make your life easier.

Additional workflow tips

Further Reading:

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